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"Aging" is the most universal phenomenon in life, yet it is also the most diverse and complex. The acquisition of life span is a very important issue in understanding the evolution of life, and the elucidation of the characteristics and molecular mechanisms of aging is an important issue that will revolutionize our future social infrastructure. We are interested in the aging rate, timing, physical properties, and sensory organs among other aging characteristics.

Currently we are focusing our research on aging-dependent organ dysfunction in the kidneys, joints and bones, in addition to diseases such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, depression and sarcopenia. Our goal is to understand the question of what is lifespan in organisms and how aging is controlled. We aim to develop biotech methods including a small compound and gene therapeutics to rejuvenate aging. 

研究室(早野元詞/Motoshi Hayano)では、生命に共通した老化をヒト、実験動物(マウスやサカナ)などを用いた本質の理解、特に老化の開始タイミングと速度に興味をもち研究を行っています。現在は、我々はアルツハイマー病、パーキンソン病、うつ病、サルコペニアなどの疾患に加えて、腎臓、関節、骨などの老化依存的臓器機能低下の研究に注力しています。エピゲノムや遺伝子解析、遺伝子編集、合成生物学から、物理、AI、deep learningなど幅広く活用して、創薬、医療機器開発を目指します。


①Aging "Speed" and "Timing" regulated by epigenome


② Physical elasticity and Aging


③Non-visual photoreceptor regulating Aging




  1. 2024/4/8 生命科学 iPS技術で若返り(その2止) 不老不死へ研究加速 / 毎日新聞   Link 

  2. 2024/4/4 肌の細胞が薬で若返る 老いは「病」なのか 近づく不老不死 / 毎日新聞   Link 

  3. 2024/3/6 〈テクノ新世 理想を求めて3〉「人類に10億年分の健康を」/ 日本経済新聞  Link 

  4. 2024/2/7 ゲノム編集で難病治療と若返り、技術精度100倍以上!九大発ベンチャーが挑む /JBpress  Link 

  5. 2024/1 反分野的なつながりは、研究を充実させる/ IKUEI NEWS vol. 105  Link 

  6. 2023/11/19 "人の寿命は250年に!解明進む老化の正体、あと20年で「若返り」も夢ではない" /JBpress  Link 

  7. 2023/11/4 "動的エピゲノム情報の変化と老化制御" 医学のあゆみ 医歯薬出版  第287巻第5号3477 2023/11/4    Link 

  8. 2023/7 "老化のメカニズムは、すでに解明された⁉次に目指すのは200歳のライフコースを設計する社会実装" SMBCマネジメント+

  9. 2023/6/21 "じつは「老化」は「治療」できるかもしれない…ついに明かされた「老化を制御する仕組み」" in Kodansha Bluebacks  Link 

  10. 2023/3/27 "The latest researches linking diet and exercise to prevent aging" is introduced in "Nikkei Gooday"  Link 

  11. 2023/3/27 The study of ICE mice is reported as research highlights in "Nature Journal | Signal transduction and targeted therapy"  Link 

  12. 2023/3/27 The study of ICE mice is reported as review in "Cell Metabolism Link 

  13. 2023/2/28 The study of ICE mice is reported in a monthly round-up of Keio news and research  Link 

  14. 2023/2/27 Our aging research was reported in "AREA(23.2.27特大号)| 時代を読む"

  15. 2023/2/26 We introduced our technology for the intervention to aging and an aging startup in "AREA(23.2.27特大号)| 時代を読む"

  16. 2023/3/27 The study of ICE mice is reported as research highlights in "Nature Journal | nature aging"  Link 

  17. 2023/1/27 The study of ICE mice is reported in "Forbes Japan Link 

  18. 2023/1/13 The study of ICE mice is reported in "CNN Health Link 

  19. 2023/1/13 The study of ICE mice is reported in "Science Link 

  20. 2023/1/12 The press release of the study of ICE mice is reported from Harvard Medical School  Link 

  21. 2023/1/12 The study of ICE mice is reported in "TIME Link 

Recent Articles

  1. Kanoh Y, Ueno M, Hayano M, Kudo S, Masai H. Aberrant association of chromatin with nuclear periphery induced by Rif1 leads to mitotic defect and cell death.  Life Science Alliance 2023 Feb 7;6(4):e202201603.  Link   

  2. Yang JH*, Hayano M*, Griffin PT, Amorim JA, Bonkowski MS, Apostolides JK, Salfati EL, Blanchette M, Munding EM, Bhakta M, Chew YC, Guo W, Yang X, Maybury- Lewis S, Tian X, Ross JM, Coppotelli G, Meer MV, Rogers-Hammond R, Vera DL, Lu YR, Pippin JW, Creswell ML, Dou Z, Xu C, Mitchell SJ, Das A, O'Connell BL, Thakur S, Kane AE, Su Q, Mohri Y, Nishimura EK, Schaevitz L, Garg N, Balta AM, Rego MA, Gregory-Ksander M, Jakobs TC, Zhong L, Wakimoto H, El Andari J, Grimm D, Mostoslavsky R, Wagers AJ, Tsubota K, Bonasera SJ, Palmeira CM, Seidman JG, Seidman CE, Wolf NS, Kreiling JA, Sedivy JM, Murphy GF, Green RE, Garcia BA, Berger SL, Oberdoerffer P, Shankland SJ, Gladyshev VN, Ksander BR, Pfenning AR, Rajman LA, Sinclair DA. Loss of epigenetic information as a cause of mammalian aging. Cell. 2023 Jan 9:S0092-8674(22)01570-7. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2022.12.027.   Link   
    * equal contribution

Science Communication

  1. ​イノチのカガク LINK  

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