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Motoshi Hayano, Ph. D

​(早野 元詞)

慶應義塾大学医学部整形外科学教室 特任講師。

生命科学博士。 専門は老化、エピジェネティクス。後天的な老化制御に興味を持っており、老化の定量とコントロールを目指している。


熊本大学にてアカハライモリの精子形成の研究に従事し(安部 眞一研究室)、2005年よりDNA複製タイミングの制御因子の単離と解析に従事し、2011年に東京大学大学院新領域創成科学研究科博士を取得(正井久雄研究室)。 2011年から2013年まで東京都医学総合研究所(正井久雄研究室)ポスドクとして研究に従事。2013年より上原記念生命科学財団、中冨健康科学振興財団より留学支援を受けて米ハーバード大学医科大学院のデビット・A・シンクレアのラボへ留学。2014年よりHuman Frontier Science Program (HFSP) long-term fellowおよび日本学術振興会海外特別研究員。シンクレア研究室にて新規老化モデルICEマウスを構築。2017年より慶應義塾大学医学部、特任講師。


2017年より非視覚光受容体OPN5を標的とした医療機器、医薬品等の開発を行う株式会社坪田ラボ(2022年上場、TYO: 4890)、 Chief Scientific Officer(CSO)。2023年CRISPR-Cas9を含むゲノム編集治療を行うOne Genomics. Inc (co-Founder)を米国にて設立。同じく2023年アカデミアの研究シーズを支援し、実装を目指す(株)Flox Bio (共同創業者)を設立。


2024年より一般財団法人ASAGI Labs(代表理事)、株式会社ASAGI Labs(代表取締役)を立ち上げ基礎研究の推進と社会実装を目指している。


ANRI株式会社、エス・アイ・ピー株式会社のアドバイザー。国内外の若手研究者のネットワーク、キャリア支援として一般社団法人 ASG-Keio代表理事、一般社団法人 海外研究者ネットワーク理事、NPO ケイロンイニシアチブ理事として従事。





  •  東京都医学総合研究所 ゲノム動態 協力研究員

  • 熊本大学 生命資源研究・支援センター 連携研究員

  • 山陽小野田市立山口東京理科大学 薬学部 客員准教授

  • 東京医科歯科大学 難治疾患研究所 特任講師

  • 東京理科大学 研究推進機構総合研究員老化生物学研究部門 客員研究員

Since 2017, my research team at Keio University School of Medicine has focused on the biology of aging. As a specialist in genetics, cellular biology, aging, and epigenetics, I am particularly interested in understanding the acquired control of aging/biology of aging, which governs gene expression patterns and cellular identity in response to the environment and stress. My aim is to translate the knowledge of aging/biology of aging for healthy lifespan and improve health condition using compounds, genome editing, and devices.


My academic journey began as a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) student at Kumamoto University's Shinichi Abe Lab, where I conducted research on meiosis and spermatogenesis in newts from 2004 to 2005. I then went to Hisao Masai's lab at Tokyo University to study replication timing using fission yeast, resulting in the isolation of Rif1 proteins as novel regulators of late replication timing. Today, Rif1 is being analyzed as a G-quadruplex binding protein. I completed my Ph.D. at Tokyo University in 2011 and worked as a post-doctoral researcher at the Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science under Masai Lab's guidance until April 2013. I am grateful for the opportunity to join David A. Sinclair's lab at Harvard Medical School in Boston, thanks to research grant support from The Nakatomi Foundation and The Uehara Memorial Foundation. From 2013 to 2017, I worked on a project aimed at understanding the role of DNA damage and epigenetics in aging using a unique animal model called ICE mice. During this time, I also received a JSPS overseas research fellowship in 2014 and a HFSP long-term fellowship from 2014 to 2017.



As the Chief Scientific Officer (CSO) of Tsubota Labs, Inc.(IPO in 2022, TYO: 4890), I have led a research project aimed at the non-visual photoreceptor OPN5 to create medical devices and drugs for depression, dementia, multiple sclerosis (MS), and Parkinson's disease (PD). In 2023, I established One Genomics Inc. in the United States, focusing on developing genome editing therapies, particularly using CRISPR-Cas9 technology. In the same year, I also co-founded Flox Bio, to support and implement research initiatives from academic settings.



​In 2024, we established the ASAGI Labs Foundation to promote aging research and aim for social implementation through ASAGI Labs Inc. I serve as the Representative Chair of the ASAGI Labs Foundation and the CEO of ASAGI Labs Inc.


Advisor to ANRI Corporation and SIP, Inc. I am engaged in networking and career support for young researchers in Japan and abroad as a representative director of ASG-Keio, a general incorporated association, a director of Overseas Researchers Network, Inc. and NPO Chiron Initiative.



令和2〜4年度 文部科学省 科学技術・学術政策研究所(NISTEP)専門調査員

令和2〜3年度 AMED HFSP国内連絡委員会分科会委員

Research Gate




Position in Academia


Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Keio University School of Medicine

(Project)Assistant Professor


Sanyo Onoda City Public University Corporation Yamaguchi University of Science

Visiting Assosiate Professor


Tokyo Medical and Dental University

(Project) Assistant Professor


Tokyo University of Science

Visiting Researcher​

4/1/2019 - present

Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science

Visiting Fellow


The Institute of Resource Development and Analysis, Kumamoto University

Visiting Fellow


10/1/2021 - 3/31/2024

Department of Neurology, Juntendo University

Visiting Fellow


Department of Neuropsychiatry, Keio University School of Medicine

Assistant Professor


Department of Technology and Engineering, Keio University

Assistant Professor

5/1/2017- 3/31/2021

Department of Ophthalmology, Keio University School of Medicine

Assistant Professor


Department of Genetics, Harvard Medical School (David A. Sinclair lab)

Visiting research fellow

5/1/2013 - 4/30/2017 (5/1/2017-4/30/2018)

Department of Genetics, Harvard Medical School (David A. Sinclair lab)

Research Fellow

4/1/2011 - 3/31/2013

Genome Dynamics Project, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science (Hisao Masai lab)

Research Fellow


4/1/2005 - 3/31/2010

Tokyo University, Japan

【Ph.D and M.S.  】

Graduate School of Frontier Science, Medical Genome Science program, Japan
Dissertation title: “Regulation of replication origin selection and timing in fission yeast”

Supervisor: Dr. Hisao Masai (Professor and Department Director of Genome Dynamics Project)


4/1/2001 - 3/31/2005  

Kumamoto University, Japan

【B.S. 】

Dissertation title: "Regulation of sperm development in newt testis through RNA-binding protein"

Activity in Industries

7/1/2017 - present

Tubota lab Inc., Japan (biotech startup)

9/14/2018 - present

ANRI Inc., Japan (VC)


7/14/2021- present

SIP Inc., Japan (VC)


2/28/2023- present

One Genomics Inc.,US (biotech startup)


4/1/2023- present

Flox Bio Inc., Japan (biotech startup)



ASAGI Labs Inc., Japan 


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Activity in Non-profit organizations

2016 - present


Board member 


UJA, a general incorporated association

Board member 


Cheiron Initiative, NPO

Board member



ASG-Keio, a general incorporated association



ASAGI Labs, foundation


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Keio University

School of Medicine

Keio University, School of Medicine
6N9 Center for Integrated Medical Research
35 Shinano-machi, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-8582, Japan
e-mail: mhayano [at]
Ph: +81-3-5363-3972

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一般財団法人ASAGI Labs

ASAGI Lasb Foundation

ASAGI Labs Inc.

株式会社ASAGI Labs

ASAGI Lasb Inc.

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